По поводу статьи об Арсенио Родригесе: читал в свое время очень интересную историю про появление конги в его оркестре:

Not only did Arsenio add the second trumpet and the piano to the son group: he introduced the conga -- apparently in 1942, though it might have been earlier. According to Eduardo Rosillo, the idea was not merely esthetic, but also practical: Arsenio Rodríguez was blind. To get around he needed a helper, someone to take him places. That role was played to some degree by the musicians of this conjunto. But they were, like almost all musicians, bohemians, and they would go off to a fiesta and leave the blind man alone. Arsenio had a brother, whom he was very fond of - Kike - and whom he employed to help him get around, but the expenses that he incurred as a consequence came to about as much as Arsenio's share of the contract. Since the only thing Kike knew how to play was the conga, he put him on the payroll of the band, playing conga.

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